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Sympathy and shame in South Korea

By BURT HERMAN, Associated Press Writer Fri Apr 20, 6:23 PM ET

SEOUL, South Korea - The reaction to the Virginia Tech massacre in the nation where the shooter was born has been an outpouring of sympathy mixed with feelings of shame. There are also concerns that going too far in apologizing would make it appear South Korea is unjustifiably taking some blame for the killings.

President Roh Moo-hyan has expressed condolences four times, the first before it even emerged the culprit was a South Korean immigrant, followed by words of sympathy to the American people and to President Bush.


J’attends le jour où les américains vont s’excuser pour toutes les personnes tuées par leurs compatriotes à l’étranger (Iraq anyone??). Comme c’est mentionné plus tard dans l’article, je tiens à rappeler que le tireur d’ORIGINE sud-coréenne a passé ses QUATORZE dernières années aux stazunis…

Un autre article (un peu tordu?) sur ce monsieur :