100 days at Bestmile

I’ve done this kind of flashback for my last 2 software engineering jobs at ELCA/SecuTix and Doodle, so I’m maintaining the tradition. Albeit with a 4 weeks procrastination delay, as my 100th day at Bestmile was end of May.

Again, here’s a list of random thoughts:

ELCA/SecuTix 2004–2012, Doodle 2014–2017, Bestmile 2018
ELCA/SecuTix 2004–2012, Doodle 2014–2017, Bestmile 2018

  1. go check out swisstopo’s Journey through time! It’s awesome! ↩︎

  2. at Doodle, we had time zones. At Bestmile, we have map projections. Both have their fair share of WTFs. For example, the most relevant map projections have their origin in the European Petroleum Survey Group: EPSG:4326 (used by GPS for example) and EPSG:3857 (Web Mercator, used by most online map providers). ↩︎