2023 was an emotional rollercoaster. I hit some medium highs, and some deep deep lows, mostly due to dating. I always wonder if I’m overdramatizing. But let’s be real: this year just fucking sucked. Work was quite annoying too, spending most of the year migrating an existing application to a moving-target new data format full of surprises. The post-40-years shitty health trend also kept going, so much so that I ended the year with a wisdom tooth extraction, yet another surgery, a cast, and crutches for 6 to 12 weeks again.


In October 2022, I had a very complicated open fracture on my right ankle. I spent 2 weeks in hospital, 3 full months with crutches, not allowed to put more than 15 kg on my foot. Then came a tiny surgery to remove 1 long screw connecting the tibia and fibula that was needed to ensure that the fibula bone fragments correctly grew back together. Leaving the screw in would have presented a high risk of breaking it, which can bring other complications. Then I spent countless hours learning to walk again, and getting back into a decent shape.

I drastically reduced my sugar consumption so I would not gain weight while I was recovering. I have also heard several times that sugar screws with your body’s healing process. For some reason I started drinking Coke Zero though. 0.5–1 liter per day. Which is absolutely not fine. I haven’t quit yet, and that should be one my 2024 goals.

I will detail the whole ankle fracture story once it’s over. And it’s definitely not over yet. During my last checkup with the surgeon, he noticed—ONE YEAR LATER—that the tibialis anterior tendon might have ruptured “at some point in the past”. So yeah, long story short, I got a fourth surgery to get that fixed, and the rest of the screws and titanium removed.

Everything was decided on very short notice. 10 days before that last ankle surgery I also got an unplanned wisdom tooth removal. Thankfully the tight timing worked out: medication could be stopped in time, and no risk of infection.

In between all this crap, I decided to finally get a vasectomy. As I never got laid in the last 10+ years, it never really was something I’d consider. This year however the Nina situation initially made me think I might have sex more regularly. Due to the doctor’s busy schedule, the vasectomy ended up happening after the only 5 times we slept together. No other opportunity presented itself since then, but I have no regrets getting the snip. I don’t understand how anyone can reasonably decide to have kids nowadays. Emotionally, maybe; reasonably, no.

Seeing Vivienne go to the CrossFit gym for at least 1 hour daily motivated me to to go the gym at least twice a week instead of once, and go on a bike ride 2 or 3 times a week, also instead of once. When there were enough daylight hours in the evenings during the week, I would even go on 2–3 hours rides sometimes, right after work. Usually, after an effort, I’m not very hungry, so I also started skipping diner most of Summer/Fall. All of this resulted in my weight dropping from the 88-ish kg I have been weighing since at least 20 years, to 82 kg at the lowest. I know that during the (mandatory) Swiss Army recruitment I was weighing 80 kg, but I assumed that 88 kg just was my immutable weight. So I was actually quite surprised this happened. And it’s not like I haven’t been doing sports my whole life. I guess it’s something with the continued effort of 2–3 hours road biking? I don’t know…


At the physiotherapy sessions, at some point we started indoor cycling to keep the leg muscles active. The only restriction was, still, not to put more than 15 kg on the foot. So mid December, 2 months after the accident, I started going back to the gym, doing a bit of upper body training, but most importantly indoor cycling for up to 1 hour. The goal was at least 30 km, increasing the wattage from 130 gradually up to 220. The tibia-fibula-connecting screw removal was on February 1st. The next day I started walking without crutches. I considered it safe enough to try some road biking on February 18th: 45 km on that day, and 89 km the day after. Everything felt ok.

For the first 2 months I would focus on road biking. The ankle felt strong enough to go mountain biking, but the risk of falling is just so much higher. For 5 months, till August, I went road/gravel biking with my dear old Schwinn:

Time span Time [h] Distance [km] Elevation gain [m]
March–July 45 1’060 10’600

I don’t think it’s worth climbing during a road/gravel ride because the descents are boring and pointless, so might as well stay on flat ground. For this reason I focused on rides along rivers and lakes: Glatt, Thur, Töss, Rhein, Zürichsee, Bodensee. You can see that the distance to elevation ratio is pretty low in the stats above.

For months since last year, I have been hesitating to get a road or light gravel/touring bike. I want to try to go on multi-days bike rides at some point, and my Schwinn just isn’t the right size. So I figured the timing was right to get a sixth bike: the Cinelli Nemo Gravel 2023. I have no regrets. For the rest of the year, my road/gravel rides became slightly faster:

Time span Time [h] Distance [km] Elevation gain [m]
August–December 56 1’460 15’000

50% more distance and elevation, in only 25% more hours. The right bike can make a difference. Ok, my legs might have gotten a bit better too.

10 months of biking at home
10 months of biking at home

During my holidays in September, I wanted to try to get all the way to the Klöntalersee and back. It became my longest ride ever with 193 km, 2’000 m of elevation, in 8 hours. The climb up the Pragelpass was a torture, with my bike’s gears being quite limited. But it was all worth it.

The view from the brutal Pragelpass
The view from the brutal Pragelpass

At the end of May I decided I was ready to get back on my mountain bike. I stayed reasonable until my holidays in Flims/Laax in September where I would say I started taking some questionable riding decisions again. Nothing happened, but I should really try harder staying reasonable and out of danger. Besides my first time in Flims/Laax, I went to Verbier for 1 day with Katia because she wanted to try downhill biking. I also spent 1 day solo in Lenzerheide at the 1 year anniversary of my accident to have a look at the place it all happened, and get some closure. In 2023, I went mountain biking a couple of times with Rico, Thömä, and also with Guiom and Roger.

Time span Time [h] Distance [km] Elevation gain [m]
June–December 52 670 17’000
3 days of biking in Flims-Laax
3 days of biking in Flims-Laax
Plaun Segnas Sut (I think)
Plaun Segnas Sut (I think)
1 day of biking in Lenzerheide
1 day of biking in Lenzerheide
Flat tire with a view
Flat tire with a view

What about BMX? My goal was to ride the NT trail at least a couple of times this year. My first session ended up being on August 14th. Prior to that, I went to the pumptrack in Effretikon once without jumping anything, just to get the BMX feeling back, and another time with jumping to see how my ankle dealt with the impacts. Everything went well, no pain, nothing. In the end, I rode at NT maybe half a dozen times. Definitely not enough considering that the trail’s days are counted (the parcel was sold recently for a staggering amount), but I think I was right playing it safe…

Here are my mandatory year over year Strava biking stats (BMX excluded):

Year Time [h] Distance [km] Elevation gain [m]
2019 96 1’537 25’353
2020 124 2’229 38’281
2021 205 3’024 73’203
2022 126 1’603 42’632
2023 153 3’190 42’644

These statistics seem to be all over the place. In 2023 I rode the same distance as in 2021 in 25% less time, but with the same elevation gain as 2022. When road/gravel biking, you ride farther in less time, especially if, like me, you try to avoid hills.


The other day I checked out what I wrote on my blog 20 years ago, and I came across a rant about stuff I own and don’t use. This was during my last year of student life! Some things will never change I guess.


My biggest expense across all categories definitely was my new bike. The paint job alone was a CHF 400 option!

Cinelli Nemo Gravel 2023
Cinelli Nemo Gravel 2023


I am not sure about the name for this category. It’s basically the useless-stuff-that-I-find-cute section.




Going to live shows was one of the few things that definitely got better in 2023. But it almost got into quantity over quality territory.

The Obenuse Festival lineup
The Obenuse Festival lineup
Vale Tudo, Spiritworld, and Madball at Kiff in Aarau
Vale Tudo, Spiritworld, and Madball at Kiff in Aarau
Nofnog, and Strike Anywhere at Werkk in Baden
Nofnog, and Strike Anywhere at Werkk in Baden
Tüchel, Nocops, and Mad Brains at Gaswerk in Winterthur
Tüchel, Nocops, and Mad Brains at Gaswerk in Winterthur

After seeing some of the bands live, I bought a bunch of music from bandcamp because they’re still the best digital music marketplace, paying out 80-85% directly to the artist or their label.



As I haven’t finished the books I bought in previous years—not because they are not interesting, but because I am too lazy—I bought only one book in 2023. It’s been out for a while, and I’ve known about the corresponding website even longer: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Here are two examples of genius word inventions:


n. the tranquil pleasure of being near a gathering but not quite in it—hovering on the perimeter of a campfire, talking quietly outside a party, resting your eyes in the back seat of a car listening to friends chatting up front—feeling blissfully invisible yet still fully included, safe in the knowledge that everyone is together and everyone is okay, with all the thrill of being there without the burden of having to be.


n. the hollow feeling of having gotten exactly what you thought you wanted, only to learn that it didn’t make you happy.


Last year, while laying in my hospital bed, I decided to get a PlayStation 5, which snowballed into buying a new TV and a video signal converter box for my older consoles. Well… I haven’t played any PS5 games this year. Instead, I played 3 amazing first-party titles on the Switch:


My podcast consumption is still a bit random, trying out different new shows. But nothing convinced me enough to subscribe.


The good:

The bad (that I still watched till the end):

The ugly (that I stopped watching):


For me, Covid has killed going to the cinema. I picked 2 movies—Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and Oppenheimer—that I wanted to experience on a big screen and with big sound. For Oppenheimer the screen was extra big (IMAX, my first time), but the sound was waaay too big. I literally plugged my ears during the loudest scenes. Spider-Man was set up better, but there were a bunch of idiots in the row behind me. I saw a third movie at the theatre: Der Bestater. Definitely not worth it, haha. So yeah, I’m not convinced by the movie-going experience at all anymore.


My YouTube consumption is still excessively high. To prevent that, I tried to subscribe to channels via RSS and not rely too much on algorithmic recommendations. It semi-worked. I am watching mostly science/maths/physics stuff, mountain biking, BMX, video games related content, and also some skateboarding:

I could totally relate to this great quote from Jason Lee. What skateboarding is for him is what BMX is for me:

I have all that I have ultimately from skateboarding for sure and as I’ve said it’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me […] I really genuinely don’t know what I would have ended up doing had I not found skateboarding

And I always like it when skaters have BMX-related stories (and vice-versa), like when Johnny Knoxville mentions Matt Hoffman’s inhuman pain tolerance:

Johnny Knoxville on Hawk vs Wolf talking about Matt Hoffman

I do also watch lots of comedy bits, like this one:

Les enfants sont de droite

Non mais les enfants, ils sont de droite. Toujours, ils disent: “c’est à moi, c’est à moi, c’est à moi”. Ils trichent pour gagner, c’est des grosses balances, ils polluent la planète, ils ont un cuisiner, un chauffeur. A chaque fois, ils veulent devenir policiers, et dès qu’ils voient un clochard dans la rue, ils disent: “pourquoi il travaille pas lui?”. Ils sont de droite, les enfants!


I still don’t feel the need to travel far. I spent a couple of days working remotely from France:

Sister #2’s little vacation home on the shores of Lac Léman in France
Sister #2’s little vacation home on the shores of Lac Léman in France

Sister #2 asked if I wanted to go on vacation with her and the 2 kids. I suggested Stresa in Italy. It was nice overall, but the stay was a bit too long. The city is not that big. And we got 1 full day of rain. Here’s the beautiful spot I was having a tiny lunch break at on my way with the bike from Locarno to Stresa:

Lago Maggiore
Lago Maggiore

Several times I suggested Vivienne to join me during the remote working from France. She never turned it down, but also didn’t accept it. Then I wanted to spend a couple of vacation days in Laax. I suggested this to her too. The plan would have been for me to go biking on my own half of the day every day, and for us to go hiking or do other stuff the rest of the time. Same non-reaction from her. I even got an extra nice room, in a hotel that accepts dogs. I am stupid. I basically paid twice as much as I would normally do, and got reminded during my whole stay of how dumb I am. The biking part was nice though. On the one rainy day, I even got extra zealous and used the hotel’s gym, and did a 15 km hike. On the last day (of 5) I went home after breakfast because I was fed up of holidaying alone. I was ashamed and I even lied to the receptionist girl, telling her that I was going biking somewhere else.


Like I mentioned before, the 2023 dating experience was quite eventful, in some good but also in a lot of bad ways. You can read about it in a previous post. Since I wrote that, Nina contacted me a couple of times, and even asked me out again. I turned it down because I was busy anyway, and I also told her that we could hang out, but that absolutely nothing will come out of it. I haven’t heard from her since. As for Vivienne, I haven’t heard from her since early September. I wrote her a postcard from the vacation I suggested we spend together, and messaged her 2 or 3 times, but it’s been dead silence. Textbook ghosting.

During the last 4 months, I had 4 one-time dates. The first was with Hannah. She was again one of those Tinder matches I talked a bit, then stopped, then asked out but it just always was the wrong timing. We eventually ended up meeting once for a drink. I wrote her again once afterwards, but she hasn’t answered. I considered this enough of a hint that she wasn’t interested. The second one-time date was with Landen, a UX designer at Google. We met for drinks one evening. She seemed cool, sporty, educated. I am not sure why I haven’t asked her out a second time. The third one-time date was with Sandra. We barely chatted before, and met for a coffee pretty quickly. I didn’t like how she expressed herself, and she kept making wrong assumptions about me, based on absolutely nothing since we had barely talked at this point. We parted ways very politely, and she immediately unmatched on Tinder, so I guess the feeling was mutual and crystal clear for once. The fourth and last one-time date was with Natalie. We were messaging a bit and she told me she had studied architecture at ETH. I then told her that I was working at a software company co-founded by an ETH architecture alumni. She immediately guessed the company, and it turned out she knew my colleagues. We ended up having coffee one morning, and that was it. Like with Hannah and Landen, there was nothing wrong with Natalie. I just felt nothing. But that might be on me. Maybe I’m very stupidly still not over Vivienne. On the other hand, neither of them never wrote again either.


I had a funny thing happen to me. There’s this nearby park I went to several times in 2023 eat takeout pizza. Once, I get to the vincinity of the park and hear people shouting. I have seen people from India/Pakistan play cricket there in the past, so I thought that’s what it was. I sit down in the grass, start eating my pizza, look more closely, and realize that it actually is people brutally hitting each other with baseball bats, branches and sticks. They were reasonably far away, so I stayed where I was and continued eating my delicious meal. Then the riot-control police get to the scene and split the group in two. One of the groups was now very close to me, but they seemed harmless. They clearly had beef against the other group, but not against me. So I continued eating. When the riot police got aggressive for no reason and started using pepper spray, I finally left. More police were joining in, then 2 rescue helicopters also flew in. I thought that this was so blown out of proportions that maybe some media outlet were reporting on it. Sure enough, 20min was, and I was on the cover! That little speck on the picture, a bit outside the group, is me next to my bike sitting in the grass eating pizza wondering wtf is going on:

I made the 20min.ch cover picture, eating pizza during a riot
I made the 20min.ch cover picture, eating pizza during a riot


I’m handing the mic to GiedRé to end this year review:

Embrace the suck. Move the fuck forward.